Sometimes arranging a bank loan takes more time than you have, especially with fast-moving business opportunities. When you are in a hurry and need a practical response, Panacea will provide bridging loans.
Bridging funding could be for:
Completion of auction purchases while you wait for the longer term lending partner to set up refinance
Funding while you wait for an asset to sell, or be refinanced
Funding for refurbishment and conversion
Funding for land purchase
Funding for planning uplifts or grants
Examples where we have provided support:
£50k to complete a significant planning application strategy
£400k offer within 24 hours, to acquire a caravan park and development site, for which the client required rapid proof of funds to secure the purchase
£285k offer within 24 hours, to acquire property for later conversion to bed and breakfast accommodation
£550k to refinance an element of an existing and more substantive development funding facility. This enabled the client to maintain his lending covenants and secure further finance from the original lender at better terms than we would offer. Our support was therefore used to unlock cheaper finance for the client's next project
Why us:
Speed of firm, committed decision-making. Where bridging funding is required speed is usually the primary driver; you need to rely on a swift and firm decision making process. With us, you deal directly with the company underwriters; communication is fast and commitments can be made very quickly.
A robust and responsive legal process. Our solicitors are highly experienced and are committed to completing the legal work for Panacea as swiftly as your own solicitors.
On a case by case basis, valuations may not be necessary, enabling faster progression.
If we identify that there is cheaper funding than ours that may be available to you for your project, we will tell you.
We will consider lending against other assets you may have, to see if there are alternative choices for either cheaper funding or a higher level of borrowing. Should we believe there to be options we will tell you so that you have the opportunity to research these yourself if you wish.
If you are successful in that search, it could mean that you don't have to borrow from Panacea, or that you can reduce the level of funding required from us
We will discuss the options available to you for refinance after completion of the project, giving you a contingency plan alongside your own preferred exit strategy
You deal direct with our decision makers - we are a small and highly experienced team
Because of our wide and deep assessment process, we can consider lending more aggressively than would be the case for other principal lenders
Features of our bridging lending:
Clients speak directly with our underwriters and we look to issue underwritten terms within 24 hours
Our solicitors will typically issue our legal pack within 24 hours of instruction and are committed to working with the client's solicitors to achieve funding drawdown as quickly as possible. Our solicitors take a commercial approach to any challenges within the legal process and will always discuss with us the full range of options available to us and the clients to overcome any time or process difficulties
Interest roll up available
We will look to match our loan term carefully to client requirements, to avoid, where possible, facility expiry and renewal
Independent land/property valuations are not always required
Open discussion with our underwriters throughout
Our accountant referred me to Panacea on the basis of their capability and integrity. Our first proposal to them was to fund the acquisition of a parcel of land prior to the sale of a property I was developing that was nearing completion. Their team met me personally and were quickly able to agree funding that accommodated 110% of the land purchase price, without additional security. Our working relationship has developed to the point where they are our primary funding partner for all development finance on subsequent projects. This is very much on the basis they respect our capability and have significantly less project monitoring than I am used to with funders.
Steve Moore - Director, Spartan Property Developers Limited
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